Sharpmind Consulting AB

Sharpmind Consulting AB is providing Business and IT Consulting Services

Business Development

The world of today is constantly changing and the uncertainty is higher than ever. For companies to survive, grow and stay relevant there is a need to work constantly with the business strategy, the business models and the processes. Business innovation shall be applied from a customers perspective. How can the company provide more value to the customer? Or how can value be created in a new way? Shall we focus on the existing customers or find new offerings targeting non-consumers? There are a lot of different models and approaches that can be applied in order to develop the business such as Blue Ocean Strategy, Ten Types of innovation framework, and so on!

IT Architecture & Solution Design

When building IT systems one of the most important aspects is to build in quality and maintainability from the start. Securing a good architecture and high level design is a sucess factor when implementing solutions that will support the business visions. One important aspect and part of IT or Business architecture is the understanding of the information that is used within the organization. Conceptual models or information models provides a good description of the information that is used in the processes and IT solutions and shall be well know before developing complex IT solutions.

Business & System Analysis

In order to have success in Software Development projects it is critical to manage the requirements in a good way. The business context must be well understood and the requirements shall be measureable, testable, traceable and possible to implement. There shall be a clear connection to the general Business Strategies and Objectives in order to support the business. Requirements artefacts can be in the form of user stories, use cases or more formal requirements specification formats

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